Toy and Game Ideas for Children with ADHD


Children who have ADHD have difficulty with sustained attention, are often moving or fidgeting, tend to jump from one activity to the next before completion, and have difficulty listening and following through on verbal directions. This can result in poor organization, school performance, and even everyday social interaction.

If you suspect that your child has ADHD, it is important to speak to your pediatrician so that you can find the best solution for your child.


Whether or not your child is officially diagnosed or just has some symptoms of ADHD, there are activities/ strategies that you can incorporate into your child’s day to make the symptoms more bearable for both of you.

Kids with ADHD have nervous systems that crave a lot of novelty and movement, so it is important to incorporate just that into their daily routines. The idea is to provide movement breaks, sensory stimulation, novelty, and shorter tasks when possible.


Take a look at the toys and activities listed below which can serve as a fun addition.  

Please note: I am a participant of the Amazon Services Associates Program and have included “affiliate links” for all the toys. This means that when you click the pictures or links provided and make a purchase, I receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. You can read more about the Amazon Associates Program here. 


1)      Sports Activities-  Gymnastics, dancing, swimming, running, karate

2)      Jumping Activities- Hopscotch, jump rope, jumping jacks, trampoline, and hippity-hop balls can serve as a great way to burn energy. Incorporate these into fun obstacle courses using tunnels, hula-hoops, and tents to make this even more fun. Then have kids create their own obstacle courses.

3)      Playground Equipment- Slides, monkey bars, swings, seesaw, rock walls.


4)      Riding Toys- Bikes, scooters, and rollerblades.

5)      Strengthening toys- Resistive toys that require strength and muscle use are also helpful for burning energy and promoting focus. Games like zoom ball and Yoga Spinner are excellent options.

6)      Movement Races- potato sack races, animal walks, and games like Pancake Pile-Up will encourage kids to build strength and focus.