Set Junior


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set junior

What you need to know: Set tiles have 3 features: color, shape, and number. To make a set you need all 3 features on the tiles to either be ALL the same or ALL different.

For example: The 3 tiles below are considered to be a set because they follow the rule of all 3 features being the same or different. The shapes are all different, the colors are all different, and the numbers are all the same (2).


Another example: The image below is not a set because although all 3 tiles have the same number, and all have different colors, the green and red tiles are the same shape and the purple is different. So it doesn’t follow the rule of every feature being ALL the same or ALL different.


What else you need to know: Set Junior comes with a double-sided game board for two different game variations, depending on the child’s age and skill level.

The side below is the simpler version, and is just a tic-tac-toe type of matching game where players take turns matching cards from their hands to the ones on the board. When players make a set in any direction (horizontal, vertical, diagonal), they get a point.

This version is great for preschoolers to work on visual discrimination, practice turn taking, and develop sustained attention.

set junior

To play the more challenging version, turn over to the board to the side, and place 10 cards onto the tile spaces on the game board.


Just like this….


Then without taking turns, players rush to spot sets. When they find one, they say “set” and if correct take the tiles. The person with the most sets at the end of the game wins.

Skills this works on: Visual scanning (exercising the eyes), reaction time, visual discrimination, perception, and attention.

Note: Set Junior is the Junior version of the original and more complex Set game. You can learn more or purchase Set Junior here.