The OffBits:FarmBit


The OffBits:FarmBit


What You Need To Know: The OffBits are a set of unique open-ended construction kits with real life spare parts that combine to make quirky robot like characters. They come in a variety of themes and personalities and are fun for ages 6-96. Each kit comes with specific instructions but is also meant to be open-ended and encourage new design ideas as well. The creation possibilities here are endless.

I recently did a review of ArtBit and UnicornBit, and this time I had the pleasure of trying the FarmBit activity set.

The FarmBit is part of a new line of products from the OffBits. This new collection adds to the idea that everything around us can be turned into a toy or game. The new line consists of 3 themes: Space (StationBit), Garage (GarageBit), and FarmBit. This new series turns the packaging box into a playground for the new characters to play and explore. How Cool!!

Check out my full review of FarmBit below.

Upon opening the package I found a detailed instruction booklet, a sheet of stickers (to decorate the farm), and green dividers separating the little bags of colorful nuts and bolts.

Just like with ArtBit and UnicornBit, the packaging was well thought out and designed with great attention to detail.

The FarmBit includes nuts and bolts to build PigBit, CollieBit, RoosterBit, and HorseBit. It also comes with everything you need to build a farm play set for the animals.

I was super excited for the challenge and couldn’t wait to meet the new characters.

Important to Note: The green dividers and the cardboard pieces right under the the bags with nuts and bolts are part of the play set. More on that later.

Being a more experienced OffBit builder, the instructions appeared clear to me and I got straight to business. I decided to start with RoosterBit even though he received 3/5 nut screws on the difficulty scale rather than just 2 like CollieBit and PigBit.

Working on RoosterBit was fun and rewarding. I thought he came out great!

Next I chose to work on PigBit . Just like RoosterBit, he came together quickly. I struggled a bit with getting his ears right at first, and had to finally give in and use a screwdriver. Luckily, screwdrivers are always included with the OffBit sets.

After PigBit, I chose to work on CollieBit.

CollieBit was one of my favorites so far, and not just because I love dogs. The steps to building this watchdog were a bit different from the other characters and I really enjoyed the new approach.

CollieBit came out extremely cute!

Look at those eyes….

The last animal I built was HorseBit. I have to admit, I was quite tired by this point but was determined to finish.

HorseBit reminded me a lot of UnicornBit so that made things easier.

Here he is almost done.

And here is the final product.

I was so proud of my new OffBit animal collection, and considered taking a much needed break. But knowing that PigBig, RoosterBit, CollieBit, and HorseBit still needed a farm to play in, I just couldn’t rest.

I decided to go for it and complete the whole FarmBit.

Side Note: I do recommend lots of breaks when building these with kids. This requires a lot of patience and attention to detail, and mistakes are not always easy to correct which can get frustrating.

It also may be a good idea to make this into a group activity so that each child is responsible for building one animal.

More Thoughts: Once I built a few of the OffBit characters, I got the idea and building new ones became simpler. However, FarmBit was something completely new, and I was not sure how it would all come together. I had to go through the instructions a few times to understand, but it was all worth it.

Those green dividers that I mentioned in the beginning turned into a Farm Field, the brown packaging boxes beneath the nuts and bolts were part of the Watering Trough and Farm Houses. Incredible!

Nuts and Bolts were used to connect the cardboard pieces.

Here is the first house.

And here is the final product.

Final Thoughts: Building the FarmBit was challenging, but so worth it. I felt a great sense of accomplishment as I’m sure you and the kids will as well. I also love that FarmBit can be used for pretend play once completed and can be recreated into new and exciting versions. Just let your imagination and creativity lead the way.

Conclusion: FarmBit is a unique and thoughtful way to encourage kids to explore, create, and build while learning and having fun. It makes a great project for the whole family.

You can learn more about The OffBits and purchase their different kits on their website. Use coupon code ToyIdeas20 for 20% off until April 17, 2022. Valid for full price items only.