Wild Rainbow Wooden Balancing Game


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Wild Rainbow Game

Please note: I am a participant of the Amazon Services Associates Program and have included “affiliate links” for all the toys. This means that when you click the pictures or links provided and make a purchase, I receive a small commission on the toy at no extra cost to you. You can read more about the Amazon Associates Program here. 

What you need to know: Wild Rainbow is a stacking game with a twist. Players take turns rolling the die and stacking pieces that correspond to the color they land on, BUT players have the option to stack either the animal or rainbow piece of the color. The player who collapses the tower loses that round.

Wild Rainbow Game

Why I love it: There is a decision making element to this game that requires problem-solving. Players are required to make an educated guess about which piece to stack in order for it to less likely fall over. This would depend on the type of tower already standing at the time.

For example: In the picture below, the player decided to stack the green rainbow piece rather than the alligator.

What do you think, would the alligator balance on top of the lion as well?:p

Wild Rainbow Game

Was the elephant a riskier move in the picture below?

Wild Rainbow Game

Skills this works on: Motor planning, turn taking, decision making, inferencing, visual-spatial skills, hand-eye coordination, and attention

To purchase this game, click here.