Sequence For Kids


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Sequence For Kids is a fun and simple board game for preschoolers that involves decision making and strategy.

It comes with this board game (see below) with beautifully illustrated animal pictures and 4 free spaces in all the corners,


animal picture cards that match the pictures on the board,


and red,

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and green chips.


The object of the game is to get a sequence before your opponents. You get a sequence by having 4 colors of your chips in a row either up and down, across or diagonal.

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To start the game, each player takes 3 cards. The players then take turns discarding the cards in their hands one at a time. Whenever an animal picture card is discarded, a token gets placed on the board of the matching picture. For example: if you’re holding a whale, an alligator, and an elephant,

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you can choose to play an elephant card and put a token over the picture on the game board. Players must always have 3 cards in their hands so after a card is played you must take a new one from the pile.

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Now it’s the next players turn.

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As the game progresses, you are no longer just putting down any cards you want, but rather using strategy to determine which card makes the most sense to put down to get a sequence.

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As you play, watch out for the unicorn card which allows you to put your chip on any space,

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and the dragon card which makes you remove your chip from the game.

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Sequence For Kids is awesome because it is simple to learn yet teaches kids many valuable skills such as turn taking, matching, following directions, friendly competition, decision making, and strategy.

Learn more about Sequence For Kids.