Spot The Bot


What you need to know: Spot The Bot is an interesting game that fosters visual attention, perception, and quick reaction time. The idea is to match the robot on the dice to the one on the game board before your opponent.

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spot the bot game

Spot The Bot includes a game board with robots of varying patterns that all look similar at first glance,

4 dice (each one making up creative pictures of the robot’s antennae, head, body, and legs), and tokens (to keep score).

Spot the bot game

The dice can create 81 different robots.

spot the bot

To Play: Roll the 4 dice together and create a robot out of the images that you land on. Then race to see who can find the most robots with the same pattern combinations on the game board.

Why I love it: This game is original and thoughtful (which is the best). It makes an excellent Eye-Spy option for older kids.

spot the bot game

Skills it works on: Sustained attention, visual scanning, visual perception, visual discrimination, and reaction time.

Tip: Get creative. Make up your own games to play.!

Another Tip: Spot The Bot can be modified for younger kids. Point to a robot on the game board, and ask a child to find all the matches. You can also reverse the game by replicating the pictures on the game board using the dice.

To learn more or purchase Spot The Bot, I am including an affiliate link here.